释义 |
1 ?角山脉 靠近巨角山脉(Bighorn Mountains)。 位于科石(Cody)/黄石公园(Yellowstone)与Mount Rushmore之间。 2 ?大角山脉 ... 伯恩兹阿尔卑斯山脉 Bernese Alps 大角山脉 Bighorn Mountains 比特鲁岭 Bitterroot Range ...
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A mountain, 4, 08.4 m (3, 75 ft) high, in the Bighorn Mountains of north-central Wyoming. It is the highest elevation in the range. 海拔4,08.4米(3,75英尺)的一座山峰,位于美国怀俄明州中北部的大角山脉。是这一山脉的最高点。 - 2
The train begins gently to carve its way into the craggy mountains, revealing clusters of bighorn sheep, elk and increasingly impressive peaks. 火车缓慢地驶进了崎岖的山脉中,车窗外有成群的巨角羊,麋鹿和壮观的群峰。