释义 |
1 ?国家建设 和国家建设(state-making)是个虽然应该并行不悖、却无法彼此替 2 ?机构建设 如何树立以及建立什么样的常识管理轨制成为国度机构建设(state-making)中至关主要的组成局部。由于上次的事。 3 ?国家肇建 ...对内有「民族塑造(nation-building)、以及「国家打造(state-building)的任务外,还有对外积极寻求「国家肇建(state-making)的迫切课题。 4 ?国家建构 蒂利(charles tilly)的“国家建构”(state-making)理论[42]也影响到苏力和强世功的研究,后者所提出的“权力的组织网络”则直接承继美国汉学家杜赞奇“权力的文化网络”这一概念框...
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Now, one of the points I made last week, for those of you who were here, is that one of the themes that ties European history together is the growth of the modern state, of state-making. 上节课来了的人可能记得,我谈到一个观点,现代国家的形成和民族国家的构建,是联系欧洲历史的一个主题 - 2
It's being aware of what one knows or feels, having an awareness of one's state of mind, and making decisions about behavior based on what one knows. 它指的是能意识到自己所知道或感觉到的,能认知自己的心态并基于所知的而作出行为决定。 - 3
People who thrive on stress tend to feel it as their natural state, making it more difficult to discern stress symptoms until after much of their stress is alleviated. 正在承受压力的人往往认为这是他们的自然状态,这样会让他们很难意识到压力的征兆,直到大部分压力都减轻之后才有所察觉。