释义 |
1 ?同步字符 SYN 是同步字符(synchronous Character),每一帧起头处都有SYN, 加一个SYN 的称单同步,加两个SYN 的称双同步设置同步字符是起联结作用,传 送数据时,吸收端不断检测,一朝呈... 2 ?同步字元 资料之前会以一串旗号(flag)或称为同步字元(synchronous character)的信号对接收 -1-
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The invention further provides an optimal synchronous character sequence within different lengths, and further reduces the probability of synchronization errors. 本发明还提出了在不同的长度下最优的同步字符序列,进一步降低了错误同步的概率。 - 2
Compared with the traditional method, this method simplifies let-off and take-up mechanism, improves automatic level and synchronous character of let-off and take-up motion. 与传统的方法相比,该方法使送经卷取机构大大简化,自动化程度高,送经卷取同步性能好。 - 3
Character drivers, however, have a synchronous API, and will not support AIO without some additional work. 然而,具有同步api的字符设备却需要额外的工作才能支持AIO。