释义 |
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电子、通信与自动控制技术 同步 Synch ID was added in RTP, and it was matched to the ID of keys in the buffers of receiver. It ensures that the decryption keys in receiver are simultaneous to encryption keys in sender.4. 提出了基于RTP协议的标识符匹配法以解决加解密密钥同步问题,在RTP协议中添加了同步标识,并在接收端缓冲区进行同步标识符匹配,以保证接收方解密密钥与发送方加密密钥同步。
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计算机科学技术 同步 With the high demands of Keyboard Video Mouse(KVM) remote mouse synchronization, this paper proposes a mouse-synch method based on High-Speed USB2.0-HID class. 针对键盘显示器鼠标(KVM)中远程被控鼠标与主机鼠标的同步要求,提出一种基于高速USB2.0-HID类规范的鼠标同步方法。