释义 |
- 突触重塑:指神经元之间突触连接的结构和功能发生改变的过程,这种改变通常与学习和记忆有关。
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医药科学 突触重构 Objective: Axon guidance molecules, Eph receptor and their ligand ephrin, which are widely expressed in adult hippocampus, play an important role in synaptic remodeling and nerve fiber sprouting. In this paper, our studing focus on the EphA4. 目的:轴突导向分子Eph及其配体ephrin在成年海马中广泛表达,在轴突出芽和突触重构中发挥重要作用。
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Synaptic plasticity is important for the remodeling of neural circuits during brain development and is implicated in higher brain functions such as learning and memory. 突触可塑性对于脑发育过程中的神经环路重构以及学习记忆等脑的高级功能是非常重要的。