释义 |
1 ?泰勒县 泰勒县 (Tyler County),泰勒县 (Taylor County),泰勒县 (德克萨斯州) (1846),泰勒县 (西维吉尼亚州) (1814),消歧义... 2 ?街道地址 ... 标签: Institute Flint River Technical 地址说明: Ctr 街道地址: Taylor County ...
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Here, University of Illinois biologists Chris Taylor and Emily Hartfield seine the Buttahatchee River, Marion County, Alabama. 请看这张照片,伊利诺伊大学的生物学家克里斯·泰勒和艾米丽·哈特菲尔德正在布塔哈其河(Buttahatchee River)中拉网。 - 2
Later that night, preparing to question Anderson, county deputy sheriff Donnie Taylor recalled hearing stories of Anderson's earlier threats, abductions and assaults. 那晚深夜,准备提审安德森时,县副警长唐尼·泰勒想起以前曾听说的那些有关安德森的种种恶行,恐吓、劫持和殴打等等。