释义 |
1 ?起停位 ... Then Stop Bit Protrudent 再位伸 start-stop bit 起停位 One Stop Bit 一个停止位 ...
- 1
So maybe I should stop describing my life, start showing what happens instead, but I'll get to that bit in a bit, so to speak. 所以或许我应该停止描述我的生活,改为开始展示发生了什么,但是过一会儿我就要达到那一点了,可以这么说。 - 2
The baud rate for the interface is 31.25 Kbaud with 1 start bit, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit, giving a period of 320 microseconds per serialized byte. 接口的波特率为31.25 k波特,其中包括1个起始位,8个数据位以及1个停止位,每个串行比特周期为320微妙。 - 3
So I'm going to read just parts, and I'm going to skip around a little bit and stop and start: How to enjoy James Joyce's great novel, Ulysses. 我会读其中一些部分,再读一下一些其他内容,然后再停下来讲:,“怎么欣赏詹姆斯,乔伊斯伟大的小说《尤利西斯》