但布里斯托研制的“布拉巴赞”(Brabazon)客机开始却小过告成:这种四引擎小型客机的体积堪与事先的波音 767 相提并论,但它的性能战服从却始终没能到达最始计划目标。
... 所属州: CA 名字: Brabazon 姓: Keith ...
青葱盆地 ; 青绿盆地
布拉巴森球场 ; 名的钟楼布拉巴森球场
Lord Brabazon said he welcomed Lord Macdonald's announcement that there would be no public inquiry.
BBC: Rail inquiry report due on Friday
And Lord Brabazon commended the Minister for supporting Gerald Corbett, chief executive of Railtrack, after he offered to resign.
Lord Brabazon told peers that the walls and foundations were in a "reasonable condition" but that there were also other structural concerns.
BBC: Urgent repairs to Parliament to cost ?69m, peers hear