释义 |
您要找的是不是: PMLabbr. 完全匹配层The perfectly matched la... 1 ?业务流程建模语言 业务流程建模语言(BPML)是一种给业务流程建模的元数据语言,正如XML 是给业务数据建模的元数据语言一样,BPML提供了一种抽象的、建立在事务有 限状态机概... 2 ?商业过程建模语言 商业过程建模语言(Busi-ness Processes Modeling Language,BPML)是BPMI组织(The Business Process xxx 【读者推荐文章】 中... 3 ?业务流程主清单 Some of them are BPML ( Business Process Master List), Configuration Documents, Delta Functionality Documents other than Business Blue Print. 4 ?流程建模语言 业务流程建模语言(BPML)是一种给业务流程建模的元数据语言,正如XML是给业务数据建模的元数据语言一样, BPML提供了一种抽象的,建立在事物有限状态机概念之...
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This was the vision initially proposed by BPMI.org the founding organization of BPML and BPMN. 这最初本是由BPMI.org提出的愿景,该组织缔造了BPML和BPMN。 - 2
Second, it is possible to produce a UML profile which can generate other processes implementations such as BPML. 第二种情况,可以产生UML配置表,使用它能生成其它过程实现,诸如BPML。 - 3
Pretty much everyone I encountered in the "execution" standard working groups (such as BPML, BPEL, WS-CDL) were not practitioners (that includes me). 我在“执行”标准工作组(如bpml、BPEL、WS - CDL)中碰到的每个人(包括我在内)几乎都不是从业者。