abbr. 进程存取组(process access group)
n. 吹牛,自夸 | vi. 吹牛,自夸 | vt. ...
...,血清中和基底膜处存在IgG 型的抗基底膜带抗体 天津医科大学宝坻临床学院皮肤科病因与发病机理 一.大疱性类天疱疮抗原(BPAg) :位于表皮基底 细胞,是基底膜带透明层半桥粒的结构成分 BPAg1 (BP230):分子量为230kd,是位于半桥 粒斑块内的胞内蛋白 BPA...
However, the Borders Patient Action Group (BPAG) said the benefit of the changes would be limited.
BBC: Borders hydrotherapy pool move disappoints patient group
Phil Davey from BPAG says homelessness in north Devon presents some unique challenges.
BBC: Devon - Helping to tackle homelessness
Val Miller, of BPAG, welcomed the promise of better pool access but said the group was disappointed at the choice of an alternative facility.