释义 |
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"No till," for those of you who are not up to the minute on farming, is a popular term coined by farm technologists to refer to planting crops without working up a loose, fine seedbed beforehand. 对于那些不务农的人来说“不耕耘”是个由农田专家提出的流行术语,指种植前不用提前准备疏松的好苗床。 - 2
Whenever working in the wood shop, remember to avoid loose-fitting clothing, as you wouldn't want any of your attire to become entangled in a saw blade or cutting head. 不管什么时候,只要是在木工工场工作,记住不要穿宽松的衣服,因为你不会想要你的衣服被锯条或刀头绞到。 - 3
The business agility derived from loose coupling, reuse, and extensibility of services can only be attained when the services offered to other business units are kept in good working condition. 源于松耦合、重用和业务可扩展性的业务灵活性只有在提供给其他业务单元的服务处于良好的应用环境时才能够获得。