释义 |
1 ?中往往被发成轻音 所有书契质料的百分之半百这些个单词在白话中往往被发成轻音(word reduction),但又不克不及不发常见的
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Accordingly, some analytical methods such as etymological background analysis, abbreviated component reduction, word understanding in the same group, rhetorical image analysis are introduced. 本文主要列举了词源背景分析、简缩成分还原、同族系列理解、修辞形象分析等方法,以有效提高新词语在对外汉语教学中的教学效果。 - 2
The paper expounds the language phenomena of English reduction, including the analysis of reduction pattern as to the different aspects of word structure, sentence structure, and figures of speech. 本文对英语简约语言现象加以阐述,包括对词法,句法,修辞等不同层面简约样态的分析,并通过语例描写总结了语言表征简化的特点。