释义 |
- 1
It is always the fear of imposition, and a lurking intent to rule, that causes the woman to haggle over a word — it is absence of love, a limitation, an incapacity. 致使女人喋喋不休讨价还价的原因,始终是对强迫、对一种潜在的统治欲的恐惧——那是爱的匮乏,是限制、是伤残。 - 2
In a word, this text USES the non-linear analytical method, has overcome the traditional idea in the stock market, namely: Determinism view and talking about the limitation of the view at random. 总之,本文运用非线性分析方法,克服了股票市场中的传统观念,即:决定论观点和随机论观点的局限性。 - 3
Owing to limitation of word length of some microcomputers and variations of system signal, the rapid and accurate real-time processing of computer for inputted signals are influenced. 由于某些微机受其字长的限制以及系统信号本身的变化,使得计算机对输入信号的实时快速而准确地处理受到影响。