...n Museum)的那次中国铜器展,1945年大都会博物馆的那次“紫禁城皇家服饰展”,1955年伍斯特艺术博物馆(Worcester Art Museum)的那次玉器展,以及1956年波士顿美术馆(Museum of Fine Arts Boston)的那次“卷轴画里的动物”展览。
伍斯特美术馆(Worcester Art Museum) 麻州伍斯特 达拉斯公共图书馆 德克萨斯州达拉斯
If you gave it to the WorcesterArtMuseum, you want it to be worth an awful lot.
FORBES: Is Art Advisory Panel Giving Taxpayers A Fair Shake ?
The coins are on display at Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum until 26 November, after which they will be taken to the British Museum for valuation.
BBC: Coroner rules on Roman coin hoard found at Bredon Hill