释义 |
symbolization 英/ ?s?mb?la??ze???n / 美/ ?s?mb?l??ze??n / - 1
文学 象征 In Qu Dajun’s poems, there were three types of symbolic imagery such as the regular symbolization, the directive symbolization and the uncertain symbolization. 固定型、定向型与不确定型是屈大均诗歌经常使用的三种主要象征型意象。 符号化 These changes of images are to meet the needs of consumer market. The political symbolization, female figures in“Red Classics”have gradually been consumption symbolized. “红色经典”中作为政治符号的女性逐渐被消费符号化了。
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艺术学 象征 3, symbolization gives birth to the pattern, and also strengthens itself by it. 3,图案因其象征意义而生,象征意义则借助图案得到加强。 符号化
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Conversely, after referent movement, the meanings and symbolizations one formulates are different. 相反,当指涉运动之后,个人形成的意义和象征都不同了。 - 2
Bronze relic with high historical, artistic and scientific value, is one of the symbolizations of Chinese ancient civilization. 青铜文物是我国古代文明的象征之一,具有极高的历史、艺术和科学价值。