释义 |
- adj.星盲:古英语中的一个词,指在夜晚看不见星星的人。
- 1
Miss Bullock had been due to attend the first London screening of the Blind Side on Tuesday with her co-star, newcomer Quinton Aaron. 日前,布洛克小姐原本计划前往伦敦参加她与新人昆顿·亚伦搭档出演的新片——《温情橄榄球》的首映式。 - 2
Her race-blind fans would have been prepared to see her star in any show, as elegant, satin-clad and triumphant as she eventually appeared in 1981 in “The Lady and her Music” in New York. 也许她的那些没有种族偏见的粉丝们早就准备好看她星光熠熠的表演,正如1981年在纽约出演“The Lady and her Music”时一样,她身披羽衣,优雅从容,仪态万方。 - 3
A star, so bright, you blind me, yeah.