释义 |
1 ?站在高处 我爱你,不言语,不忘记 ? I love you, not words, and do not forget 站在高处 ? Standing height 汾阳市位于山西中部的吕梁山区,是远近闻名的核桃之乡,核桃种植大市、产量大市和加工大市。
- 1
Standing height looked, lifting the water like a winding Bai Lian, the two sides embankments, such as 2 Pallas hugged her. 站在高处望去,举水似一条弯弯曲曲的白练,两岸河堤如两条玉带紧紧拥抱着她。 - 2
She was a tall woman, standing a head higher than her fiery little husband, but she moved with such quiet grace in her swaying hoops that the height attracted no attention to itself. 她高高的,比那位火爆性子的矮个儿丈夫高出一头,不过她的举止是那么文静,走起路来只见那条长裙子轻盈地摇摆,这样也就不显得怎么高了。 - 3
He was a superb specimen, standing about 4 1/2 feet in height, his massive shoulders and bull neck suggesting the tremendous strength in his arms. 它是一个极好的样本,站起来高4.5英尺,结实的肩膀和粗壮的脖子让我们知道它胳膊的巨大力气。