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1 [经管]?常设机构 ...:电子商务 国际税收 常设机构 居民身份 收入分类 [gap=956]Key word: E-Commerce, International Revenue, Standing Body, Residential Status, classification of income ...
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In responding to the pandemic, WHO has also drawn on advice from a standing body of experts, the Strategic Advisory Group of experts on Immunization (SAGE), which advises WHO on vaccine use. 在应对本次大流行期间,世卫组织还参考了免疫战略咨询专家组(SAGE)这一常设专家机构的意见。免疫战略咨询专家组就疫苗使用事宜向世卫组织提供咨询意见。 - 2
Body language can give away a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive. 肢体语言可以透露你很多的情绪信息,所以双臂交叉站立表明你在自我保护。 - 3
Posture means the way in which someone holds his or her body, especially the back, shoulders and head when standing, walking, or sitting. 姿势指的是一个人保持身体的方式,尤其是站立、行走或坐着时的背部、肩膀和头部。