释义 |
1 ?备用塔 ... stand-by station ==> 备用电站 stand-by still ==> 备用塔,辅助塔 stand-by storage ==> 备用储备 ... 2 ?辅助塔 stand-by still翻译 【化】 备用塔; 辅助塔 segment翻译 *['segm?nt] n. 片段, 部分, 分节, 段 vt.
- 1
But despite it all, I'm still the child waiting for my father to get home, and he's still the man who will stand by me. 但是,尽管有如此多的变化,我依然是那个等待父亲回家的孩子,他依然是那个会与我休戚与共的父亲。 - 2
If you really can't stand it a home pregnancy test may give you results by the end of the week but if it's negative and you still don't get your period try again in a few days. 如果你确实不能经受住这一切,这个周末的时候你可以使用家用怀孕试纸得出答案,但如果结果是阴性的,那就表明你还没有怀孕,过几天再测试一次。 - 3
Mr Uribe's use of the conditional “if” in his tweet about Mr Noguera suggests he may still stand by his man, whom he once called a “good boy. 乌里韦在微博中谈到诺格拉时使用了假设性的字眼“如果”,这表明他仍然支持这个曾以“好孩子”称呼的手下。