释义 |
- 粘连带:指一种用于固定伤口或包扎的带状物,通常由胶粘剂和绷带组成。
1 ?透明胶带 adhesive band 透明胶带; 涂胶封条; 粘连带.. 2 ?粘连带 adhesive band 透明胶带; 涂胶封条; 粘连带... 3 ?涂胶封条 adhesive band 透明胶带; 涂胶封条; 粘连带.. 4 ?粘胶带 ... 粘胶剂;粘合器:paster 粘胶带:adhesive band 粘胶槽:adhesive glassine tank,viscose tank ...
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Here is a list of the items I want for my office: correction fluid, paste, glue and adhesive band. 这是我办公室所需要物品的清单:修正液、浆糊、胶水和透明胶带。 - 2
Melt and Use as an adhesive - It's not glue, but a melted rubber band does make a darn good adhesive. 将其熔化用作黏合剂-它不是胶水,但是将橡皮筋熔化后就可以做一种效果很好的黏合剂。 - 3
Materials: A rubber band, thick paper, double side adhesive tape.