释义 |
submarine 英/ ?s?bm??ri?n / 美/ ?s?bm??ri?n; ?s?bm?ri?n / - 1
交通运输工程 潜艇 Submarine is a crucial weapon for navy equipment. 潜艇是海军装备的重要武器之一。 海底 At present, people have achieved in design, construction, survey, maintenance of the submarine pipeline. 目前,对于海底管线的研究已经从设计、施工、检测、维修等各个方面展开,并取得了一定的成果。 潜水艇 潜舰
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电子、通信与自动控制技术 舰艇 Sonar is main technique to monitor underwater by States Navy, used for underwater target detection, classification, location and tracking, underwater communications and navigation, protect the ships, anti-submarine aircraft and anti-submarine helicopters. 声纳是各国海军进行水下监视使用的主要技术,用于对水下目标进行探测、分类、定位和跟踪,进行水下通信和导航,保障舰艇、反潜飞机和反潜直升机的战术机动和水中武器的使用。
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The child was injured when he submarined under the safety belt of the car.