释义 |
1 ?证人 ... testimonium 签名前条款 testis 证人 testmamenti factio activa 立遗嘱的能力 ... 2
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If the cancer is at a more advanced stage, it will probably require chemotherapy, and this can have a dramatic effect on the unaffected testis. 如果癌症已进入晚期,就可能需要化疗,这可能对未受影响的睾丸产生巨大影响。 - 2
Always take a shower when the cold water and warm water, available repetition effects on the testis, can rise to temper man power effect. 往常洗澡时,可用凉水与温水重复影响睾丸,可起到磨炼男人功能力的效果。 - 3
The clinicopathologic features, differential diagnosis, prognosis of undescended testis and the possible causes of malignant were discussed briefly. 对隐睾的临床病理学特点、鉴别诊断、预后及隐睾恶变的可能原因进行讨论。
1来自拉丁语 testis,睾丸,词源同 test-,见证,证明。比喻用法,即见证男人之物。 |