n. 体力缺乏;衰弱
n. 失语症(形容词aphasic)
上午大约 8 点的时候,阿扎米亚区( Adhamiya )在间隔几分钟内发生了四起爆炸。这四起袭击造成的死亡数是星期五的主要死亡人数。
She says her neighborhood, Adhamiya, is no longer permissive if she is not clad so modestly.
NPR: Khalilzad's Take on Baghdad
But she took the time today to tell us about Adhamiya and Kadhamiyah - beginning with the Sunni area, Adhamiya.
NPR: Two Neighborhoods Illustrate Baghdad's Divide
Within Adhamiya itself, Sunnis do not agree on the future of Iraq.