In these days of CAD (computer-aided design) the structures of Constantin Brancusi, Georges Vantongerloo, El Lissitsky and Vladimir Tatlin may feel quaint.
WSJ: The Concrete Challenges of Abstraction | Inventing Abstraction | By Tom L. Freudenheim
Sharply angled steel-and-glass enclosures for stairs and elevators recall early Russian constructivist designs like Tatlin's elaborate unbuilt platforms rising precariously into thin air.
WSJ: New Guggenheim: Art and Architecture as One | By Ada Louise Huxtable
Tatlin's 1920 "Monument to the Third International" is here in a massive 1979 reconstruction and belongs to an older tradition of visionary architecture as much as it does to the innovations of abstraction.
WSJ: The Concrete Challenges of Abstraction | Inventing Abstraction | By Tom L. Freudenheim