释义 |
1 ?快乐站酒吧 警方提醒朝阳区朝阳公园南门,快乐站酒吧(Big Easy),北京朝阳区团结湖生活圈,北京酒吧,北京餐饮,北京分类信息,北京黄页,北京生活手册... 2 ?快乐站餐吧 如果你是快乐站餐吧(Big Easy)的店主请 认领商户 3 ?越轨干探 ... 越轨干探 The Big Easy 48小时/特赦48小时 48 Hrs. 紧急搜捕令/义胆神警/辣手神探追魂枪 Magnum Force ... 4 ?大易哥 恩尼·艾尔斯的有好几个绰号,最出名的是“大易哥”(Big Easy),首要是因为他挥杆的姿势相当美好、相当放松,仿佛不费吹灰之力就能将球击出很远的距离。
- 1
The trade would work wonders for The Big Easy and they'll have plenty of room to build for the future. 交易对纽约来说有很多希望,在未来,他们有足够的空间重建队伍。 - 2
Big armies can wipe you out, but they are easy to find, easy to distinguish, and you know when you have beaten them. 大规模的军队可以消灭你,但是他们很容易被发现,容易区别,而且在你打击他们时你知道该做些什么。 - 3
Plastic pipe is easy to install, and doing it yourself saves big bucks.