释义 |
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He pointed to the new "Legend of Zelda" game, in which the Wii controllers are swung about in real life and appear as a sword and shield within the game, as evidence of this. 为论证这一观点,他提到了新《塞尔达传说》(Legend of Zelda)游戏。游戏中Wii玩家在现实世界中挥动手臂,其在游戏中的化身则随之挥动剑和盾。 - 2
Comments and expectations about China, especially in the developed world, swung from one extreme end to the other, back and forth. 外界特别是发达国家对中国的评价和期待往往从一个极端到另一极端,落差很大。 - 3
HOW dramatically the pendulum of fear has swung in the past year-from worries about the fragile recovery, to panic about the level of the national debt, and back to anxiety about growth again. 过去一年,人们的恐惧犹如一只钟摆摇摆不定,极其引人注目。他们一会担心经济恢复过于脆弱,一会惊忧国债水平,然后又继续为经济增长而焦虑。