

单词 Swiss Guard
Swiss Guard
  • 简明释义
  • 瑞士卫队
  • 网络释义
  • 1


    约七十名前瑞士卫队(Swiss Guards)队员周四(5月4日)完成将近一个月的跋涉,重循五百年前首批教宗保卫队的足迹,从瑞士抵达梵蒂冈。

  • 双语例句
  • 1
    A bell chimed the hour of the Castel Gandolfo, the Papal summer residence, the Swiss Guards swung shut and bolted the massive outer doors, they saluted and hung up their halberts.
  • 2
    6The Vatican: Swiss guards keep watch as pilgrims file past St Peter's basilica to pray at the coffin of the late pope John Paul II following his beatification Photograph: Filippo Monteforte/AFP
    6/ 12梵蒂冈(The Vatican):瑞士卫兵目送着宣福礼过后,为已故教皇约翰保罗二世棺木祈祷朝圣的人群从圣彼得大教堂前经过。
  • 3
    Swiss Guards stand tall in their swearing-in garb of armor and plume. The annual ceremony recalls the 1527 Sack of Rome, when 147 guards died helping Pope Clement VII escape German invaders.




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