释义 |
- 愤怒或不满地大步离开:用大步离开以表达愤怒或不满情绪。
1 ?扬长而去 扬长而去 march off; swagger off; stalk off; go off by oneself, ignoring everyone else; ..
- 1
"Wait, where are you going?" he calls as I stalk off. - 2
Wu Chih-sheng gazed after him with a smile, but he couldn't help feeling a little amazed that the poet should stalk off in a rage like this, without even a glance over his shoulder. 吴芝生微笑着望了一会儿,也不免有点诧异这位“诗人”竟能一怒而去,再不回头。 - 3
If they stalk off in anger, the employer should have no difficulty in hiring replacements at the lower wage, for in the unsettled conditions of a depression it will be attractive to other workers. 如果工人愤然拂袖而去,那么,雇主也不难以更低的工资找到人来坐他的位子,因为,在动荡的萧条形势下,这对其他工人是很有吸引力的。