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不新鲜的肉 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?不新鲜肉 ... 不新鲜面包 stale bread 不新鲜肉 stale meat 不新鲜试样 sample of low freshness ... 2 ?死灰肉 ... 死灰复燃色斑 Recurring Spot 死灰肉{罐 stale meat 心灵深处有些东西已如死灰 Something inside this heart has died ...
- 1
When he tried to refuse, his first meal of the day, a plate of cold, dry meat and stale bread, was taken away from him. 当父亲想拒绝的时候,他那天的第一次伙食,一份又冷又干的肉和不新鲜的面包,就被从手中夺走了。 - 2
Middlings, warm water, apple parings, meat gravy, carrot scrapings, meat scraps, stale hominy, and the wrapper off a package of cheese. 午饭有粗麦粉,温水,苹果皮,肉汁,尖尖的胡萝卜,肉末儿,陈玉米粒儿,去皮的干酪。 - 3
They investigated the saddle-bags and the results were cheering- a meat pasty, only slightly stale, a lump of dried figs and another lump of green cheese, a little flask of wine, and some money; 他们查看了鞍囊,结果令人很是高兴——一块肉馅饼,只是稍稍有点儿干瘪走味,一大堆无花果干,大块发绿的干酪,小瓶酒;