释义 |
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As the fifth of seven children, I went to the same public school as my three elder sisters and brother. 作为七个孩子中的老五,我和我的三个姐姐和哥哥上同一所公立学校。 - 2
So, they had the ratio of two to one, which gave them the octave, and three to two, which gave them the fifth, and four to three, which gave them the fourth. 他们发现,八度音程中,呈现的是二比一的比例,而五度音程中呈现三比二的比例,在四度音程中则呈现四比三的比例 - 3
That was in a fire in an apartment complex in Guttenberg, N.J., three months after the fifth anniversary of Sept. 11. 9/11事件五年三个月后,她死于新泽西州古腾堡(Guttenberg N.J.)的一场公寓楼火灾中。