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热,开 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
This is one of the arguments for looking instead at another solar technology, solar thermal, which USES mirrors to concentrate heat, produce steam and thus drive turbines. 鉴于对此的争议,人们因此寻求另一种太阳能技术- - -太阳能热能发电,它使用镜面聚热,产生蒸汽从而驱动涡轮机。 - 2
If the one about the size of England were covered with solar thermal mirrors (which heat up fluid to drive a turbine), it could supply all the world's electricity needs, he said. 他说如果有像英格兰这么大的区域覆盖了太阳热能收集镜(它通过加热液体来推动涡轮),就足满足全世界的电力需求。 - 3
BrightSource's system, like other "solar thermal" technologies, concentrates the sun's heat to drive turbines; and the high-performance steam turbines it relies on are big. 类似其他“太阳热能”工艺,百硕照明的系统通过反射镜把太阳热能汇集到传动涡轮机,并依靠高效的大型蒸汽涡轮机发电。