释义 |
1 ?韩国 ... 立陶宛Lithuania 韩国The Republic of Korea 匈牙利Hungary ... 2 ?金属硅最新市场行情 12月11日韩国553金属硅最新市场行情(the Republic of Korea) - 行情价格 - 中硅信息网还提供最新的金属硅价格,金属硅,553金属硅,韩国金属硅,金属硅价格,韩国价格最新价格,金属硅价格走势图,...
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Earlier this year, there were calls to include countries such as China, India and the Republic of Korea into the ISS program. - 2
The 10 ASEAN members, China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, as well as Australia, India and New Zealand will attend the 1st East Asia Summit. 东盟10国、中国、日本、韩国和澳大利亚、印度、新西兰将参加首届东亚峰会。 - 3
Having achieved so much in extending health-care coverage over the past 30 years, the Republic of Korea is faced with ballooning costs from an ageing population. 在过去30年间,韩国在扩大医疗保健范围上取得了杰出成就,但现在正面临人口老龄化导致费用不断增加的问题。