释义 |
there is more behind that 这背后还有更多 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?背后还有文章 Bioon整理 ... There is nothing permanent except change. 变幻才是永恒。 There is nothing that costs less than civility. 世上没有比谦恭更便宜的东西了;礼多人不怪。 There is safety in numbers. 人多则无患。 ...
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Could it be, though, that behind Europe’s petty, possessive talk about rights and entitlements there is something more fundamental going on? 或许,在欧洲微不足道却充满占有性地谈论权利和权益的背后,有些更基本的东西? - 2
But there is more to this than the traditional Iranian belief, grounded, it has to be said, in history, that Britain is the master string-puller behind all that is bad that happens in Tehran. 但是,对于这件事,必须提到的是,比伊朗人的传统信仰更现实的是,在历史上,德黑兰发生的一切灾难,背后的主要推动者都是英国。 - 3
What's more, there is a narrow, dripping path that leads through the rock face behind the water falls. 另外,在瀑布后面,岩石表面凿出了一条狭窄的滴水小径。