n. 第比利斯(格鲁吉亚共和国首都,Tbilis...
... 通用后缀: SR 名字: Tillis 姓: Richard ...
... 名字: Ownby 姓: Tillis 标签: Tillis Ownby ...
泰丽斯 ; 潘姆·提莉丝 ; 专辑歌手 ; 表演者
莱德曼 ; 米歇尔 ; 兰德曼
"It's a generational issue, " State House Speaker Thom Tillis told a student group at North Carolina State University in March.
BBC: North Carolina approves constitutional ban on gay union
Since Mr. Tillis and his father purchased the company five years ago, Imperial has tripled in both revenue and employees.
WSJ: Online Grocer, Bag Maker Share Site
But Mr. Tillis said finding space to expand was difficult and the company's warehouse space was spread out over three facilities in nearby Bayonne, N.