释义 |
1 ?焦油沥青毡 ... 焦油沥青粘合料:bitumen tar binder 焦油沥青毡:tar felt 焦油帆布:tarp,tarpaulin,tarredcanvas ... 2 ?防水油毡 ... asphalt felt 沥青油毡,油毛毡,沥... tar felt 防水油毡,防水毡,焦... deadening felt 隔音毡 ...
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In this example, the first layer of tar felt is nailed to the boardIng and the subsequent layers are bonded to each other In hot tar. 此例中,第一层油毡是用钉子钉在木板上的。上面的几层油毡是用热沥青粘合起来的。 - 2
FIG. 9 illustrates a simple flat roof, consisting of timber bearers covered with timber boarding and finished with several layers of tar felt. 图9所示为一个简单的平屋顶它由木承梁组成并铺以木板,再铺几层油毡防水。 - 3
To keep the explorers warm, Nansen insulated his vessel with thick felt, reindeer hair, cork shavings, and tar. 而为了让给船员们保暖,南森用厚厚的毛毯、驯鹿的皮毛、软木以及焦油把船体围起来;