释义 |
- 稳定运动:指物体在运动过程中保持恒定速度和方向的运动状态。
1 [物]?稳定运动 ...同步;派生系统;混沌;稳定运动 [gap=1690]Keywords:dynamic system; synchronization; derived system; chaos; stable motion ...
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Standard configuration on Japanese THK linear rail, more stable motion, more accuracy, more durable. 标配日本THK直线导轨,运行更平稳,精度更高,耐用性更强。 - 2
With the advantage of compact structure, stable motion and no blind rock drilling area, double triangle boom is used in rocking drilling robot. 双三角钻臂具有结构紧凑、运行平稳、凿岩无盲区等优点,被凿岩机器人所采用。 - 3
Modified lifting motion is provided with higher reliability and precision of allocation and alignment, stable motion, compact structure, and convenient maintenance. 改进后的升降装置具有更高的可靠性,运动平稳,定位及对中精度高,结构紧凑,维护保养方便。