n. 阴茎;阳物;柳树(等于willow)
n. 泔水;冲洗;痛饮;涮 | vt. 冲洗;痛...
... 瑞夫卡伦特 Swift Current 瑞利湖 Swilly, L. 斯文伯恩角 Swinburne C. ...
洛克·斯威利铁路 ; 洛克斯威利铁路
The three bombs destroyed eight houses on an estate that was called Corporation Housing in Swilly.
BBC: Plymouth's 'first' WWII bomb site discovered
We're all going to have to fight - because we are fighters in Swilly.
BBC: Memories of Swilly
The first three fell one afternoon in July 1940 on the residential area of Swilly now known as North Prospect.