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The college boasts alumni like author Jonathan Swift and philosopher George Berkeley, the namesake of what is now the University of California—Berkeley. 学院拥有像作者乔纳森·斯威夫特和哲学家乔治·贝克莱的校友,他现在与加州大学伯克利分校的同名。 - 2
The Bandbox Plot of November 4th 1712, foiled by Jonathan Swift (author of "Gulliver's Travels"), was an attempt. 1712年11月4日,遭《格列佛游记》作者乔纳森·斯威夫特挫败的硬纸盒密谋,就是一次谋杀牛津伯爵兼财务大臣罗伯特·哈利的尝试。 - 3
In a wild grass garden stands the awe-inspiring robot-soldier sentinel, a bronze statue of a character from the Jonathan Swift-inspired Laputa, Castle in the Sky. 在一片草丛花园中,站着一个令人敬畏的机器人哨兵铜像,铜像源自于乔纳森·斯威夫特的作品《天空之城》。