港口中文名: 斯维坦海姆 港口英文名: SWETTENHAM 港口代码: 港口缩写: 所在国家: MALAYSIA 经纬度: 2°57’0”N,101°24’0”E 时差: 0:00 锚地: 河口灯
瑞天咸 ; 英属马来亚
瑞天咸港 ; 瑞天咸码头 ; 斯维坦哈姆
瑞天咸码头 ; 乔治市
Located in the heart of the Lake Gardens, Carcosa Seri Negara is a slice of KL history - it was once the residence of British government representative Sir Frank Swettenham.
BBC: Mini guide to Kuala Lumpur