释义 |
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Soda residues can favorable improve acidity soil, and have obvious increase in production of lichee, kidney bean, tomato and sweet potato. 碱渣对酸性土壤有良好的改良作用,对荔枝、芸豆、番茄、番薯产量有明显提高。 - 2
But in this part of Arkansas, where the soil is sandy and the summer hot enough at just the right time so the watermelons grow particularly sweet and big, that kind of change comes hard. 但在阿肯色的某些地区,那儿土壤稀松,夏季炎热,那些地方最适宜种植西瓜,种出来的西瓜个大味甜,只是你真要适应吃这么大的西瓜还是有点困难的。 - 3
Broken heart sound is so crisp, sweet, bent down to pick up a branch in the soil lightly to write a few lines. 心碎声是如此的清脆悦耳,弯下腰捡起一根树枝,在土地上淡淡地写了几行字。