释义 |
1 ?见习三副 ... 三副三副 third mate 见习三副 cadet officer 总指挥命令:三副开始施放大型灭火系统 COMMENCE RELEASE FIRE MAINS FIGHTING FIRE ... 2 ?实习驾驶员 ... cadet officer 见习三副 Cadet Officer 实习驾驶员 cadet 候补军官 ... 3 ?航海学员 ... cadet midshipman 见习船员海军学校学员海军军官候补生 cadet officer 航海学员 cadet officer 驾驶实习员 ... 4 ?驾驶实习员 ... cadet officer 航海学员 cadet officer 驾驶实习员 cadet officer 见习三副 ...
- 1
One foggy April night in Berlin, Hans Leip, a young officer cadet and budding poet, was standing guard outside a fusilier’s barracks. 4月的柏林,一个雾蒙蒙的夜晚,汉斯?莱普正站在一个燧发枪团的营房外站岗。 他既是一个年轻的军校学员,又是一个崭露头角的诗人。 - 2
One foggy April night in Berlin, Hans Leip, a young officer cadet and budding poet, was standing guard outside a fusiliers barracks. 4月的柏林,一个雾蒙蒙的夜晚,汉斯·莱普正站在一个燧发枪团的营房外站岗。他既是一个年轻的军校学员,又是一个崭露头角的诗人。 - 3
Mr Read investigates how Churchill went from a young army officer cadet to being Britain's highest-earning war correspondent by the age of 25, getting the journalism bug for the rest of his life. 里德的调查表明,丘吉尔在年仅25岁的时候,就从年轻的军官军校学生变成英国收入最高的战地记者,在他的余生里都紧握新闻这个筹码。