释义 |
1 ?项的符号 ... 相乘的符号 dot 项的符号 term symbol 学习的符号 sign gestalt theory of learning; signgestalt theory of learningg ... 2 ?能项符号 能项符号 term symbol 项目 item; article; clause; subject of entry; [体育] event 出口项目 goods for export; export items; 基本建设项目 capi...
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A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes products and services from competitive offerings. 品牌是区分与竞争对手的产品和服务的名字、词语、设计、象征或者其它特征。 - 2
Lucene supports fuzzy searches based on the Levenshtein Distance, or Edit Distance algorithm. To do a fuzzy search use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a Single word Term. Lucene支持基于编辑距离算法的模糊搜索,你可以使用波浪符号“~”放在查询词的后面,比如搜索一个与“roam”拼写相近的词可以使用。 - 3
When they think of the term brand, generally an image or a symbol such as a logo, or a tagline come to mind. 当人们想到品牌这一词时,一般会在头脑中浮现出如徽标或者广告语一类的影像或是标记。