释义 |
到现金 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?备用现金 ... terms cash 须现金支付 till cash 备用现金 unapplied cash 未划定用途的现金, 未支付现金 ...
- 1
Interpreting such asanction to include a website—which, for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, is moreakin to a shop window than a cash till—may seem extreme. 对包括网站在内处罚的法律解释或许是过于极端了,网站对三菱重工而言只是橱窗远非钱箱。 - 2
Interpreting such a sanction to include a website-which, for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, is more a kin to a shop window than a cash till-may seem extreme. 对此处罚还包括网站的解译——对三菱重工,网站更像商店的窗户而不是钱箱——似乎是太极端了。 - 3
Interpreting such a sanction to include a website-which, for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, is more akin to a shop window than a cash till-may seem extreme. 将这条法规理解为包括网站也许显得有些走极端,因为这个网站对于三菱重工来说比起钱柜,更像是橱窗。