n. 砖瓦匠;秘密集会的看守人(等于tyler)
n. 女式冕状头饰;(罗马教皇的)三重冕
...; 1M chinaemba.org.cn *EMBA企业, *EMBA名人, *EMBA名师大全, *EMBA院校大全, *pickwd, *卫哲, *吴建龙, *吴晓东(Tilera), *吴海, *唐建勇, *姚炬, *张润彤, *旭日干, *杨军华, *毕铭鑫, *王国顺, *种衍民, *罗若远, *翟美卿, *贺力平, *郭定松, *鲁品...
...s 沃尔玛效应(Walmart effect) 安谋国际科技(ARM Holdings) 芮洁安妮·斯基尔伦(Raejeanne Skillern) 提勒拉(Tilera) 亚马逊 客户管理软件 iCloud
Another vital piece of infrastructure is the data center, an area that Tilera is targeting.
FORBES: Qualcomm And Tilera: How 'Data Tsunami' Will Lift Behemoth And Startup Alike
But Tilera faces competition from Intel, the dominant maker of server processors.
Earlier this month Tilera announced a 72-core system and from next year it has plans for processors with more than 100 cores.