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1 ?仙人掌科 ... cactus grab多爪抓斗 cactus family仙人掌科 cactus scrub仙人掌灌丛 ...
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A cactus is any member of the spine plant family Cactaceae, native to the Americas. 仙人掌是任何家庭脊柱植物仙人掌,原产于美洲的成员。 - 2
Although Aloe Vera is a member of the Lily family, related to Onions, garlic and asparagus, it is very-cactus like in its characteristics. 尽管芦荟属于百合科,与洋葱、大蒜和芦笋是近亲,但其功效则与仙人掌十分相似。 - 3
Boundless, all have love, some people love wealth gorgeous peony, some people love the poplar towering clouds, but I love my family in the yard alone and that common but stubborn cactus. 大千世界,各有所爱,有人爱富贵华丽的牡丹,有人爱高耸云端的白杨,我却独爱我家院子里那普通而又顽强的仙人球。