释义 |
1 ?斜视眼 ... monocular visual field 单眼视野 squinting eye 斜视眼 heterophoric asthenopia 隐斜性视疲劳 ...
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What's happened is that, like allthe other muscles in the body, their eye muscles have relaxed and areperforming at their true ability, rather than straining and squinting as theywould normally. 那是发生了什么事,就像身体的全部其他肌肉一样,他们的眼部肌肉放松,并以他们的真正的能力发挥作用,而不是像他们通常那样伸张和眯起来。 - 2
Isaac's mother, Laura Koffman, thought something was wrong when she noticed Isaac was squinting when he read the eye chart. 艾萨克的母亲劳拉·考夫曼(Laura Koffman)发现艾萨克看视力表的时候总是眯着眼,就觉得有点不对劲。 - 3
The squinting, sighting eye is the darkest, most detailed part of the drawing; 那只眯起来瞄准的眼睛是整幅画里笔触最重、描绘最仔细的地方。