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tightness 英/ ?ta?tn?s / 美/ ?ta?tn?s / - 1
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经济学 紧密性 4. The paper holds whole-length tightness in case study, namely, system and the consecution of this part accords with the former part. 4、在案例研究中,本文保持了全文的紧密性,即体例和研究的逻辑顺序基本与前一部分的类型研究保持一致。 胎紧性 Based on the tightness results and employing Prohorov’s theorem and Skorohod representation theorem, we can prove that there is a subsequence which converges to the weak (mild) solution to the system. 基于这些胎紧性结果,应用Prohorov定理和Skorohod表示定理等,我们可以得到一个一对收敛到方程的子序列,证明了方程弱解的存在性。 (因利息高而)难借到的;银根紧的
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能源科学技术 密封 Result of the engine platform test showed that the valve had excellent air-tightness and wear-resistant properties, so could successfully satisfy requirements of the engine. 进一步的台架测试结果表明,排气阀在测试过程中表现出了优异的密封性和耐磨性,完全满足发动机的性能要求。
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电子、通信与自动控制技术 致密 Both the surface and section of the carboxylic acid membrane are very tightness and smooth without finestras. The water content is about 14.25%(70℃), Conductivity of the membrane is about 2.31S·m~(-1),the largest mechanical property is 18.70MPa(content water),ion exchange capablity is1.45×10~(-3)mol·g~(-1). 合成的羧酸膜表面与断面致密无孔洞,含水量14.25%(70℃),电导率2.31S·m~(-1),最大拉伸强度可达18.70MPa(湿态),离子交换容量1.45×10~(-3)mol·g~(-1)。
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