释义 |
- abbr.治疗干预评分系统(Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System)
- n.资生堂的一款卸妆油
1 ?治疗干预评分系统 治疗干预评分系统(therapeutic intervention scoring system, TISS)是根据病人所需 要采取的监测、治疗、护理和诊断性措施进行评分的方法。 2 ?治疗干预评分 治疗干预评分(TISS)是一种根据患者所需要采取的监测、治疗、护理和诊断性措施的多少,以及每项干预措施的重要性进行评分,用于评估ICU医疗护理工作量... 3 ?塔塔社会科学研究院 目前就职 Tata Institute of Social Sciences(TISS),Mumabi - Research Scholar,Tata Institute of Social Sciences(TISS),Mumabi
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Tiss great confidence in a friend to tell him your faults, greater to tell him his. 告诉朋友自己的错是对他很大的信任,而告诉朋友他的错是对。儋。 - 2
At the same time, French chemist herve This (yes, This is his name, pronounced "tiss") used the term in his scientific investigation of cooking myths. 与此同时,法国化学家herve This(没错,This就是他的名字,读左“tiss”)在他科学研究的烹饪神话里面也用了这个词。 - 3
Results: Extract liquid Qishengwan could obviously improve the protective effect on the mice anoxia, revive the SOD activity of the cerebral tiss.