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But raising duty will be a short-term squeeze on household spending, with nothing like the hit of a VAT increase, for example, which affects all products. 但是燃油税的增加将在短期内挤占家庭的支出。就像没有人喜欢增值税的增加,它将影响到所有行业。 - 2
The increase will, however, be only short-lived since defence - like every other department - will feel the squeeze from the spending restraint deemed necessary to reduce the budget deficit. 但是这个增长是短命的,因为国防部——和其他各部一样——感受到必须撙节费用以降低预算赤字的压力。 - 3
And in the past week, following a short squeeze that led some investors to trim positions, the euro has found some stability. 而在过去一个星期,经过一段空头轧平、让一些投资者削减空头头寸之后,欧元确实出现了一定的稳定。