释义 |
1 ?沼泽地 ...marea; swamp hickory; swamp land; swampland; swampy ground; swampy land; swanp; vuoma; wet land; wetlands; wham 沼泽地区, 沼泽地 marshland ..
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Wetlands are areas of marshy, swampy land, areas where water covers the soil, or is present either at or near the surface of the soil for a large part of the year. 湿地是指多沼泽的区域,软而湿的陆地,一年中的大部分时间有水覆盖着土壤、或是有水存在于土壤表面或接近土壤表面的地方。 - 2
Peninsular, island and archipelagic countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines lack vast tracts of flat, swampy land. 印尼、马来西亚和菲律宾分别是半岛、岛屿和群岛国家,缺乏大面积的湿地平原。 - 3
A drawing model of slumping salvage was designed, and a preliminary analysis on drawing salvage is performed through slumping salvage tests in swampy land. 设计了陷落体救助模型系统,进行了沼泽湿地陷落体救助室内试验研究,对救助拉拔过程进行了初步的探讨。